You put your all into your music, It should sound like it.

See your vision come to life like never before with The VVS Mix 💿

This is the easy route to Industry Quality Songs!

frustrated and overwhelmed, with struggling to achieve that professional sound for your music?

Stop wondering if your tracks can ever sound Professional. Let me mix them and show you they can!

Say goodbye to the challenges of mixing, and welcome the transformation your music deserves with VVS Song Mixing 💿

Mix My Song!

Here's why you need this

Picture this: Your music, once a source of frustration, now professionally mixed to perfection by yours truly,VV. I'll not only transform your music into an Industry Quality masterpiece but also provide you with a tailored video tutorial.

Say goodbye to subpar results and hello to insights from a pro engineer. These personalized techniques will empower you to conquer the challenges of mixing, giving you the confidence to create professional-sounding tracks again and again.

Thats why YOU need to book a VVS Mix!💿

The VVS Mix Guarantee 💯

This will elevate your sound.

'The VVS Mix' guarantees your tracks receive the expert touch they need and transform them into a polished masterpiece💎, everytime.

  • Tailored Video Tutorial:

    you get more than just a polished sound. I'll also provide you with a detailed video tutorial, unlocking the secrets of mixing YOUR song. You'll learn the personalized mix techniques that resonate with your unique sound. Now YOU can mix professional tracks effortlessly.

  • Proven Skillset & Expertise:

    my reputation from my YouTube tutorials speaks volumes. Now you can experience firsthand the same level of dedication and expertise applied directly to your music.

  • Eliminate Frustration & Uncertainty:

    If you've ever felt uncertain about your ability to achieve a professional sound, The VVS Mix is the antidote. Conquer your mixing challenges and gain the confidence to create high-quality tracks every time.

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See What My Mixing Clients Have to Say

Let's talk Price 💰

This isn't cheap, but its worth it.

here's what you'll get:

  • A professional Industry Quality Mix of YOUR Song (reg. $150)
  • A Custom Mixing Template specific to YOUR Music (reg. $100)
  • A Video Tutorial teaching you how I mixed YOUR Song (reg. $150)
Bought separately, this costs $400. The VVS Mix give it all to you for half.

Invest $199 in The VVS Mix then you'll never have to pay for mixing again 💯 that's an EASY choice.

Let me Elevate Your Song 💯

My VVS Mixing 💿 is the easy route to an Industry Quality Song